Appliances & Equipment
Auto Garage Open, Dishwasher, Ice Maker, Microwave, Range - Electric, Refrigerator, Smoke Detector, Washer/Dryer Hookup, Water Heater - Elec
1,870 total living square feet, 2,689 total square feet, Built in 1997, Year built description: Resale, Square footage source: Tax Rolls, CBS, Traditional, Laundry-Inside
Dining Room
Dining-Living, Snack Bar
Exterior Features
Fence, Screen Porch
Home Owner's Association
HOA fee per month: $25, Homeowners association: Mandatory
Interior Features
Unfurnished, Ctdrl/Vault Ceilings, Entry Lvl Lvng Area, Foyer, Split Bedroom, Walk-in Closet
Lot dimensions: 100.0 ft x 153.0 ft, 18,295 lot square feet, 1/4 to 1/2 Acre, Corner Lot, Paved Road, West of US-1
Primary Bedroom
Separate Shower, Separate Tub
Business name: Yes
Zoning: RS-3, Waterfront: No, None
Taxes: $2,610, Tax year: 2024, County Only, Homestead
Cable, Electric, Public Water, Septic
Windows & Doors
Plantation Shutters