Appliances & Equipment
Auto Garage Open, Central Vacuum, Cooktop, Dishwasher, Disposal, Dryer, Microwave, Range - Gas, Refrigerator, Wall Oven, Washer, Water Heater - Gas
5,885 total living square feet, 7,200 total square feet, Built in 1993, Year built description: Resale, Square footage source: Floor Plan, Wide Doorways, Concrete, Frame, Mixed, European, Other Arch, Den/Office, Family, Great, Laundry-Inside, Laundry-Util/Closet, Maid/In-Law, Pool Bath, Multi-Level
Ceiling Fan, Central, Electric
Dining Room
Dining Family, Dining-Living, Eat-In Kitchen, Formal
Exterior Features
Auto Sprinkler, Custom Lighting, Fence, Open Balcony, Open Patio, Open Porch, Wrap Porch
Home Owner's Association
Homeowners association: None
Interior Features
Furnished, Turnkey, Bar, Ctdrl/Vault Ceilings, Entry Lvl Lvng Area, Fireplace(s), Foyer, Kitchen Island, Pantry, Split Bedroom, Volume Ceiling, Walk-in Closet, Wet Bar
Lot dimensions: 212.0 ft x 196.0 ft, 26,572 lot square feet, 1/2 to < 1 Acre
Primary Bedroom
2 Master Baths, 2 Master Suites, Mstr Bdrm - Ground, Mstr Bdrm - Sitting, Mstr Bdrm - Upstairs, Separate Tub
Business name: Yes, Exclusive Use, Private Dock, Up to 50 Ft Boat, Up to 70 Ft Boat
Drive - Decorative, Driveway, Garage - Attached, RV/Boat
Heated, Inground, Salt Chlorination
Zoning: R-1AA, Waterfront: Yes, Water frontage: 212, Bay, Lagoon, River, Bay, Canal Width 121+, No Fixed Bridges, Point Lot, River
Security Features
Burglar Alarm, Security Sys-Owned, Wall
Taxes: $47,745, Tax year: 2024, City/County, No Homestead
Cable, Public Sewer, Public Water, Underground
Windows & Doors
Bay Window, Hurricane Windows, Impact Glass